Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Motivating Girls to Choose a Career In Science

     We talked in my science methods class about girls and how they are fewer female scientist and we discussed why girls seem to not go into the field of science.  Why is this?  Possibly because the girls are taught by male teachers, or that the girls may feel less smart as the boys.  But for whatever reason we need to motivate girls to become interested in science careers.
     I would start with motivating the girls by having more social interactions in science class.  By assigning group work, the students can learn with their peers.  The girls may be motivated to become involved and the girls will find this fun and engaging. 
     Also, another way to get the girls interested in science is to use real world applications.  The teacher needs to find activities that relate to every day life.  An example of this would be to recycle.  Or maybe a activity on makeup.  How makeup works, how can makeup be harmful.  I am not saying to make science all girly and fluffy, but wearing makeup is part of a girl's every day life and makeup can be very interesting to discover how the makeup is made, is the makeup tested on animals?  
     By being a positive role model for all students, the teacher can make a positive impact on the student's interest and learning.  If the students aren't engaged, is the teacher engaged?  Teachers need to work hard and find science activities that promote positive feedback, which in turn will promote the student's self esteem.